Midnight Rodeo serves as a getaway for the college student to blow off steam and dance their worries from the week away.  The loud and energetic atmosphere attracts all kinds of people looking for different ways to interact.  In looking at Midnight Rodeo as its own culture we can distinctly see three subcultures emerging.  Conley defines a subculture as "the distinct cultural values and behavioral patterns of a particular group in society; group having social, economic, or ethnic traits distinctive enough to distinguish it from others within the same culture or society."  The people of Midnight Rodeo have one thing in common:  they came to dance dance.  However, with a mix of country and hip hop combined with different skill levels, subcultures emerge.

THE COUNTRY DANCEAHOLICS:  These people are the regulars.  You will see them Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night; they just don't stop dancing.  They can be recognized by their spins and flips.  Sometimes they tend to do more tricks than dancing and they ONLY dance to the country music.  Let's take a look...

YOUR AVERAGE JOE:  The average Joe's are the people who are familiar with Midnight Rodeo but not often enough to be let into the elite circle of the regulars.  They know the basics of two-stepping and maybe even a few line dances.  For the most part they are eager to learn new moves but will probably never master them since their visits to Midnight Rodeo are inconsistent.  Average Joe's tend to absorb the culture of Midnight Rodeo in its entirety, dancing to both country and hip hop.  Here's a peak at a typical two step....

JUST LOOKING FOR A GOOD TIME:  These are your party people.  It is rare you see them wearing boots or attempting a two step.  They tend to crowd the bars and tables and flock the dance floor when the hip hop music comes on.  The likelihood of them frequenting Midnight Rodeo is rare; they tend to be bar hoppers, just looking to dance and looking for a good time.  This is a typical breakdown of their skills....

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