As defined by Conley, the nonmaterialintangible components of culture include values, beliefs, behaviors and social norms. While Material Culture is defined as everything that is part of our constructed environment, including technology. In regard to Midnight Rodeo it is the values, norms and sanctions of these actions that are most recognizable in visitors and regulars alike.

Values: guide the ideas of how the world should work.
      -Frequenters of Midnight Rodeo value typical Southern hospitality and gender roles of a night out. No matter how frequently one goes they expect an experience that is not connoted with"dirty 6th" but is generally a more wholesome atmosphere. They value the ideals expressed in the country melodies and dance in a manner that represents the simple intentions of good music and good fun. Midnight Rodeo plays a collection of homegrown Texas Country that creates the values by which the norms are created. 

Norms: are how values tell us to act. These widely observed behaviors may hold moral significance; mores, be seen as harmful to society; taboos, or lead routine common interactions; folkways.
     -The wholesome values commit men to initiating the dancing with formal invitations and conversation. In contrast to a normal downtown establishment or club, those at this honky tonk act more like gentleman and the women feel less threatened. People know to come dressed in some degree of back-country apparel, wanting to two-step. The subculture of those who come for a good time or concert may not understand every norm but dress more in accordance with this principle than they normally would, and adhere to other cultural norms as they try to fill the expected roles. The elevated respect for others is apparent as the dance floor moves methodically together. 

Sanctions: either penalize or approve of actions
Positive Examples:
-Approval of popular or classic songs yields greater participation on the dance floor by the collective group or by certain subcultures who are satisfied with the musical selections.
-Women who feel comforted by the male suitors approach will gladly accept a stranger's invitation to dance because they feel comfortable that the expectation is pure.
Negative Examples:
-Newcomers to Midnight Rodeo usually only experience negative sanctions from regulars if they are noticeably outsiders (not dressed appropriately) or disrupt the rhythm of the dance floor patrons.
-Inappropriate behaviors such as fighting produce conflict between the expected values and actions that confront the ideals and beliefs
-Sexually suggestive dancing is generally not approved of, especially by older crowds who react by vacating the dance floor or patronizing the younger participants.

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